
Giving You Options with Finance Solutions

Gardner Denver 125CDL CycloBlower H.E

Gardner Denver Unveils Game-Changing 125CDL CycloBlower H.E.: A Paradigm Shift in Industrial Blower Technology 


Learn to understand the different types of air compressors

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Ingersoll-Rand Releases Sustainability Report 2021

At Ingersoll Rand, we are committed to our values and purpose to make people's lives better by leading by example and putting the planet and our communities first. 

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Invitation | Ingersoll-Rand invites you to the 23rd National Hospital Construction Conference and International Hospital Construction, Equipment and Management Exhibition

The 23rd National Hospital Construction Conference and International Hospital Construction, Equipment and Management Exhibition (CHCC2022) will be held at Wuhan International Expo Center from July 23-25, 2022. The theme of this year's conference is "High Dimensional Cognition - Creating Better Hospitals".

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Robuschi provides cost-saving solution for Philippine water utility

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s safe to say the whole world has had to face unprecedented difficulties, and companies have had to adapt in order to best deliver for their customers. 

Ingersoll Rand vacuümpompen helpen de negatieve druk materiaalverwerkingsindustrie

In veel industrieën waar kleine korrelige of poedervormige materialen van de ene plaats naar de andere moeten worden getransporteerd, kunnen overdruk-, onderdruk- en gemengde transportmethoden worden gebruikt.


Ingersoll-Rand vacuum business helps the photovoltaic industry to create a sustainable future together

Vacuum technology is widely used in the photovoltaic industry. Ingersoll-Rand vacuum technology and products can more effectively help customers to achieve cost reduction and increase profits.


Ingersoll Rand GD cycloblower helps Singapore environmental engineering company implement key biogas projects

Ingersoll Rand GD cycloblower helps Singapore environmental engineering company implement key biogas projects

sav g2 200 300 a unenclosed front right 4 v2 sav300g2

Gardner Denver announces the new Electra Saver G2 200-300HP Compressors

Gardner Denver announces the new Electra Saver G2 200-300HP Compressors to the Gardner Denver Oil Lubricated product line. 


Tanden poetsen, groenten wassen, het toilet doorspoelen... Waar wordt het huishoudwater geloosd?

GD compressoren helpen de rioolwaterzuiveringsinstallatie en maken deze efficiënter.


Ingersoll Rand Richler vacuümpomp ondersteund poedertransport.

Het merk Richler Elmo Rietschle is uitgegroeid tot een van de voorkeursmerken van luchtbronapparatuur.




Ingersoll Rand levert innovatieve en belangrijke industriële oplossingen op het gebied van gemeentelijke rioolwaterzuivering en industriële waterzuivering. Het bedrijf heeft een reeks compressoren, blowers, pompen en vacuümproducten van veel bekroonde merken.


Sharing of energy saving transformation project of GD oil-free screw blower - Textile Industry

At the beginning of 2021, a iqs-5d oil-free screw blower was directly used in the low-pressure gas supply part to realize partial pressure gas supply.

liquid tanker truck

Gardner Denver introduces the new GD70 Oil-Lubricated Piston Compressor

Gardner Denver is pleased to announce the new GD70 Oil-Lubricated Piston Compressor to the Gardner Denver Transport product line.