

Robsuchi RBDV 干式叶片真空泵(加德纳丹佛公司的产品)多年来一直在北美真空卡车行业占有重要的市场份额,现在通过运输解决方案团队提供的全面销售和服务网络,该产品已成功进入欧洲市场。真空泵的容量从 700 立方米/小时到 10500 立方米/小时不等,既可用于标准的低真空应用,也可用于重型深真空应用。

所有机器都采用了最高效的空气喷射冷却系统,该系统可使泵在全真空和阀门关闭的情况下工作,而不会有过热的危险。这些机器源自久经考验的 Robuschi 工业真空泵系列,因此以业内最坚固耐用的机器而闻名。

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Initial feedback from the market in Europe is extremely positive with strong sales being made in the UK, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, France and Spain. Water Utility, Industrial Chemical and Deep Vacuum specialists have chosen the RBDV stating that this technology is the future for many of their applications.