Committed. 知识和经验丰富。可用。

格南登福广泛的分销网络确保了在当地的卓越支持。 作为格南登福的代言人,我们敬业的经销商将我们的承诺变为现实,让我们的可靠性和可信赖性得以实现。

Wherever you are, there is an authorised distributor covering your area; ready to assist with your sales, service, and technical support needs.

GD 授权经销商 2C


  • Professional air audits to identify cost savings in your facility
  • Providing expert routine maintenance through factory trained service personnel
  • Guidance on selecting the right compressed air solution for your specific applications
  • 每周 7 天、每天 24 小时提供认证服务
  • Local distributors offer fast response and supply genuine OEM parts

Air Insite 徽标

专业空气审计 提供环境和能源效率


