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Following the continued success of the OptiLoad bulk farm milk collection and metering system which is now specified and installed into 80% of all UK new build farm collection vehicles bringing fast pumping performance coupled with accurate metering and data transfer solutions, Gardner Denver has now made in-roads into the South African dairy market place.
A major Dairy based in Cape Town have commissioned three systems installed in new tankers during 2013 to run alongside their existing fleet for evaluation purposes . These systems went into service in the early part of 2013 and quickly established themselves as firm favourites increasing the farm collection speeds from a struggling 285 litres/min performance up to 700 litres/min, this without any modifications to the existing farm set ups.
Based on the performance of these new vehicles, the dairy have stated that more systems will be purchased including the trialling of the full OptiLoad system in order to further improve their overall efficiency by allowing them to move away from the current dip-stick metering method.